To unblock a contact or number, all you have to do is send that person a message and the block will immediately be removed.
The Sideline app does not include a list of all blocked numbers. If you can't remember the blocked phone number, please reach out to us by submitting a request below.
Please include the following information in your email so we can verify your account:
- Sideline number
- Registered number (mobile number used with your account)
- Password
- An approximate date/time block was placed on that number
If a Sideline user has accidentally blocked you, then that person will have to contact our support department and confirm they wish to have the block lifted. We will provide your contact with instructions on how to lift the block.
Note: Once a block has been set, any messages with that contact cannot be recovered by you or Sideline Support.
If you need assistance with unblocking a contact or have any questions, please submit a request.
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