If you are having difficulty subscribing to Sideline and have gone through our basic troubleshooting steps, you might need to contact your app store as they may have placed a block on your account.
While there are a few possible reasons why your app store flagged your account, the most common is that they have marked the transaction as possible fraud.
Please view the instructions below for your Android or iOS device.
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In order to resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please follow the instructions below:
- Check out Google Play Support's help site article on how to fix payment issues on your account.
- If you're still unable to resolve the payment issue after viewing their help site article, click on Get Help to contact Google's support team.
If you were unable to resolve your issue after speaking to Google Play Support, please reach out to the Sideline Support Team by submitting a request.
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In order to resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please follow the instructions below:
- Call Apple Support directly at 1-800-275-2273
- Chat with Apple Support
- Select iTunes Store
- Purchases, Billing & Redemption
- Unable to purchase from iTunes Store
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