This article is to help address and correct issues with your Caller ID, particularly, what the recipient of your call sees on their screen when you're calling.
Issue Symptoms
When calling clients, they mention that your number shows up as:
- Spam, Spam Risk, or Scam Likely (and not your business name or number).
- Another name or business that is not affiliated with you/your business.
- Incorrect Caller ID displayed on the recipient of the calls screen.
Cause & Resolution
Our Sideline numbers are designed to be reused, thus, your number has more than likely been used in the past which may be the reason for your incorrect Caller ID.
When a Sideline number is dropped, it makes its way back into our list of available numbers for Sideline customers. When that number gets chosen (and thus reassigned) to a new Sideline owner, the Caller ID may not always update (thus causing the incorrect Caller ID).
The good news is that this can be corrected in most cases. Below you'll find the steps on how to request to have your Caller ID corrected (for the wrong business name or number) or have the "Spam" ID removed.
(Next Steps) Contacting Hiya to fix your Caller ID
- Visit Hiya's Submit a request form page.
- Select the section "Report a call labeled as spam"
- Under the "I'm an individual" option, click "Report Problem"
- On the Submit request page, you'll be asked to fill in the following (required) info:
- Email address (this is where they will contact you)
- "Is the problem affecting a personal line or a business line?" Select "person"
- Legal Name of business using these phone numbers
- Country
- Phone number(s) enter your 10-digit SIDELINE NUMBER (do not add spaces or punctuation in the numbers)
- First name
- Last name (optional)
- Attachments (optional) if you have a screenshot to share of what the Caller ID displays, that would help
- When you've entered the info above, click to send the Caller ID request change to Hiya.
Description template (seen in step 3 above - feel free to copy/paste)
Phone Number (enter your 10-digit number) is showing up as (enter details of what the Caller ID is displaying (e.g. Spam, incorrect business, name, etc)
Please remove (re-enter the Caller ID details) from this number.
Hiya response email example
Once you submit your ticket, you should get an email reply from Hiya that looks something like this:
If you have questions or need assistance with contacting Hiya, please submit a request.
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