Are you having difficulty with one or more of the following while using Sideline?
- Calling - Can't place and/or receive phone calls.
- Texting - Trouble sending messages or recipients aren't receiving your messages.
- App Store Purchases - Unable to complete a purchase or receive an error when trying to subscribe.
- Web Clients - Performance or login issues with Sideline Web.
If so, you may be experiencing a recent disruption to one of Sideline's services.
We encourage Sideline users to visit the Service Status Page to check the status of calling, texting, and app store purchases.
Check the status page from the Sideline app at any time:
- Sideline Settings
- Support (iPhone) or Get Help (Android
- Select System Status
On the page, you'll find information about the type of outage & what is impacted:
- Operational (Service is working - no outages or disruptions)
- Partial Outage (Service is experiencing a partial outage)
- Full Outage (Major outage/disruption to the service)
Tip: Click "Subscribe" at the top-right of the status page to receive real-time notifications (email and/or text) when we have updates.
If you are still having trouble with Sideline and all services appear normal on the Service Status Page, please get in touch with us by submitting a request.
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