A Customer Service Record (CSR) is a record of information that the current carrier keeps on file and is examined when a company receives a request to port a number into their service. A CSR contains account information including your name & billing address.
CSRs are needed when a port is rejected due to having incorrect information, or to help dispute a port rejection when the information entered was in fact correct.
We may request a CSR if your port request was rejected and we need to validate the information against the CSR. Once we determine the cause of the rejection, we can use the CSR to update the incorrect information or dispute it with our port provider to get your port-in request back on track.
Porting In
How to obtain a Customer Service Record
- Contact your Carrier to request a Customer Service Record (CSR).
- Once you receive the CSR, please send it to us and we will assist you further.
Here's some information that may help to obtain a CSR from the major Carriers:
- Fill out the Port-Out Request Form (AT&T) which contains a request to obtain a CSR from them.
- AT&T article for instructions
T-Mobile / Sprint
For all other companies not listed above, please contact your Carrier's support team and request a copy of your Customer Service Record (CSR) because you need it for porting your number out of their service and into Sideline.
Porting Out
We do not provide CSRs which are phone records maintained by traditional carriers that have direct billing.
The only information you'll need to approve a port-out request from our service is your Sideline Account Number and PIN. If your carrier requests the name or address on your Sideline account please feel free to use your own.
To obtain your Sideline Account Number and PIN, follow the steps in this article.
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